Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween...Plus a couple cute pictures! only half of the pictures are Halloween, but I had to include these others!!  So, if you want to see Halloween pics, you'll have to suffer through 3 other pictures!

My Sister-in-Law, Paige, had a conference down here in Provo, so the girls and I got to spend the day with Aspen.  It looks like it was a beautiful day, but don't be deceived, it is cold and just about to start snowing!  I bundled Aspen up and so Jordie had to wear her snow suit too!

The other day, Taylor REALLY wanted me to paint her fingernails!  Well, I was being a lazy mom and didn't really feel like or have the patience to paint her her amazing Dad took care of both girls!! 

You can tell that Taylor was ready to celebrate Halloween...she was dressed before breakfast which doesn't always happen!!  Here they are with their new princess cups that Aunt Jenna sent them for Halloween.

Taylor decided months ago that she wanted to be Snow White for Halloween and for a while she insisted that Jordie should be a witch.  Well, with a little persuasion, I convinced Tay that Jordan should be a dwarf to go with her costume.  Here is Jordan enjoying her beard application!

We decided that Jordie was Grumpy after this picture!!  They both had a blast all day long and are still enjoying the candy!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Matney!!! The girls' faces are so cute. Taylor so excited and Jordy-yes- a little grumpy!
    Enjoyed Katie's posts too.
