Monday, July 6, 2009

Taylor's 3 Month B-day!!

Time seriously is flying so fast!! I can't believe that my little girl is 3 months old...but on the other hand it almost feels like she has always been here with us!! She rolled over for the first time a couple of days ago and is moving and talking more and more each day!!


  1. Matney- she is soo cute! I can't wait to meet her at family reunion!

  2. OH yeah! A blog! Email me from your email address that you're using so I can invite you to mine!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you got a blog.
    Hey, I need your address. And if there is any chance you have Whitney or Avah's could you send that along too? We are having a baby shower for Casey soon. Tay is so cute, can't wait to see you guys!

  4. Matney she is so cute!! I can't believe she is 3 months old either... crazy!! Your family is sooooo cute!!

  5. Wow this is such a cute picture of her! I'm so glad I got her other outfit dirty! :)

  6. So adorable! I want to try to hang out with you guys next week. Kaiden and I have colds this week so we will stay away from you guys for now. Ill call you and we can get together. :}

  7. Oh Matney she is beautiful--happy three months!
