Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas at the Cabin

This year for Christmas, my parents rented a cabin in Dubois, Wyoming.  Everyone was there with the exception of Tiff's family.  We had tons of fun being together and also enjoying the snow.  I was a horrible picture taker, so unfortunately we only have pictures of our excursion into the snow with the kids.  Here's a picture of our little snow-woman...She loves being out in the snow and rolling around!

Everybody waiting around to get on the snowmobiles.

Uncle Ty is always good to take care of the kids!

Our little snowmobile girl!  She would have ridden all day.  She and Uncle Tyler even did a little hill climbing.

Jordan, on the other hand, would spend the whole day in "her sled."  She loves to be pulled around and has no desire for any more excitement.

Gotta love Tyler!

Heading out!

Tay and Jordan being spoiled by Dad and Grandma.

Grandma was pulling Taylor around when we noticed that she had her head down....we wondered if she had fallen asleep...On closer inspection...

Nope...just licking the cold metal!!  What a kid.

Auntie Em.

Finally got her out of the sled!

And onto a REAL sled!!  It took a couple of times around the parking lot but then she decided that she loved it!! 

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