Sunday, January 27, 2013

Introducing Matthew Robert Jorgensen

This was supposed to be my least complicated birth, but has turned out to be the most complicated!!  Rob has been looking for a new job now for a couple of months because of a bad situation at work and finally was forced to quit two weeks ago.  Well, that meant that our little boy that was due on the 2nd of February had to come in January or our insurance, that was good through the end of January, wouldn't cover his birth! I hesitantly set an induction date for the 28th of January, tomorrow, and we proceeded to plan our lives!  Rob needed to fly out to do some things about a new job and we decided that I always go closer to my due date and that he should hurry and go so that he could get things done and be back for the induction on Monday.  Well, Thursday the 24th, he was supposed to fly out at 2:45 pm, and I got up at 5 am to check on a crying Jordan when I noticed that I had lost my plug.  I still didn't think anything of it because that usually happens at least a week before I go into labor!  About 6:30 am I was having minor contractions, again of no concern because that normally happens about a week out, but by 7:15 I was having regular painful contractions.  We got to the hospital about 8:30, after hurriedly packing the girls and sending them off with Aunt Jenna, and Matthew Robert was born at 10:47 am.

 You got to love those first pictures when they haven't been bathed yet!!  He was as you can see just about 6 lbs and 13 oz and 20 inches long.  Both of his sisters were 7 lbs and 21 inches!  If he had hung out a few more days he probably would have been right there with them!!  An interesting tidbit about this little guy, he had a true-knot in his cord.  The nurse that worked with us said that in her 16 years as a nurse she had only seen about a dozen healthy births that had true-knots.  We are blessed that the knot didn't tighten up and that our little guy is here healthy and strong!

 First bath!!
 Proud Papa in the nursery!  
 I thought Jordan might be a little leery of our new guy, but she ran right up to the basin and wanted to hold him.  She can't get enough of him, which can be nice and can be a little scary!
 Taylor is a natural little mother and loves "her Matthew."  

At the hospital, Matthew ate about every 4-6 hours and slept the rest of the 48 hours that we were there!!  I think the only times that we heard him cry were at birth, during his bath, and at his circumcision.  He is an awesome little guy!
 You gotta love how tiny they are in their car seats when they're first born!

 Here he is at home, sporting his Nike beanie that Aunt Emry and Uncle Ben got for him.  Thanks guys!

Oh...and now you're wondering what this picture is....well it is where Rob will be working as of the 18th of February.  Nope...not downtown Salt Lake...Louisville, Kentucky!  That's right, we'll be moving to Louisville in a few very short weeks!!  That is what has made this such a crazy month!!  We're excited for a little adventure and also to be closer to Tiffany and her family!  The timing could be better, but we have seen the hand of the Lord in our lives more than ever as everything is falling into place for us!


  1. I wouln't have guessed the Nike cap came from Em... it is very Matney. You used to tell us your kids would be decked out in Nike everything!

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow!

    What a blessing that Matthew decided to come in January! We changed jobs while I was pregnant with Brady so I totally understand how crucial the timing of a birth can be with regard to insurance! What a good little guy- keeping with the plan. :)

    Ryan had a true knot in his cord and it was around his neck- resulting in a c-section. I am so happy Matthew is healthy and you were able to have a smooth delivery. :)

    Kentucky!?! Congrats to Rob on the new job. You have some fun adventures in store! It will be challenging with a newborn, no doubt. Keep me in the loop and let me know how I can help!

  3. Wow! Kentucky will be lucky to have you! Congrats on the little boy too. What a cutie, and what a blessing that everything worked out with the timing of his birth and that you are both healthy and well! We are right down the road from Louisville (about 45 min) at Fort Knox. If I can be of any help to you, please let me know. Good luck with the move!

  4. Congratulations Matney! He certainly is a handsome little man. And congrats on moving to Kentucky! I'm sure you'll find lots of new adventures there!

  5. Congratulations! So much going on for you guys. Good luck!
